[!NOTE] Don`t have to run the programming only for data recording.
Real-time monitoring and data recording¤
python src/dcs_dev/
# enter the file name
cd app/
run ....
PLC Controller¤
Please find more information here under Connect with TwinCAT section.
Robot communication¤
[!NOTE] Only if we want to run with the robot script
Real ABB robotic control¤
# real controller
# clean the stopped container
docker container prune
# compose up and connect with docker container
# Linux/WSL
docker-compose -f ./external_controllers/robot/docker_compas_rrc/real_controller/docker-compose.yml up
# windows
docker-compose -f .\external_controllers\robot\docker_compas_rrc\real_controller\docker-compose.yml up
Simulation with ABB robot¤
# clean the stopped container
docker container prune
# docker compose up
# virtual controller
# Linux/WSL
docker-compose -f ./external_controllers/robot/docker_compas_rrc/real_controller/docker-compose.yml up
# windows
docker-compose -f .\external_controllers\robot\docker_compas_rrc\virtual_controller\docker-compose.yml up
ABB RobotStudio¤
CAD/CAM software(Rhino and grasshopper)¤
Concrete Controller¤
The sub-package external_controllers
is a package that provides a set of driver to control the concrete casting machines.
More information can be found in digital casting system controller