Nature & Mode

Space for Materiailty of Discontinous Time

Research Project

Year : 2016
Author : Wei-Ting Chen
Advisor : Prof. Chen Chen-Cheng


This is a research_based project is inspired by the observations from transformation of Matter, colloid behavior. Taking two mains parts from conceptual model to installation.


From matter to computing

Each material has different properties, through the simulate the transformation of material forming process. Like Cement, metal, and glass…etc. The state between original and formed is the discontinuous time of materiality. That`s called colloidal state. Taking the micro-view and using computer to describe the process of form-finding matter step by step.



From matter to installation

Using four kind of force are "punch", "drop", "seep", and "swirl" form insides to outsides. Through the above four physical state by the computational simulation, making the installation that described section of microcosmic material forming process.



Software and Fabrication machine:

// Rhino3D & Grasshopper with Python, Oscillating Tangential Cuttung, Laser Cutting