The Mesh Odyessy

Mesh subdivision

Research projcet

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich
Institute for Technology in Architecture
Year : 2020

Author : Chan Yen-Fen, Simon Griffioen, Wei-Ting Chen
Instructors : Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström, Eleni Skevaki, Remy Clemente, Ioanna Mitropoulou


The project aims to illustrate a surreal living environment by using cellular automata algorithms, the living unit is creating by the mesh subdivision methods. Mesh subdivision allows us to apply complicity and controllable details onto the geometries. With this advantage there are three categories of cubic units representing structural, expending and organic living units. The idea is inspired by the photography “Dense Buildings” by Michael Wolf which shows the repetitiveness and organic feature of Hong Kong city.


Software and Programming Languages:

// Rhino3D & Grasshopper, Keyshot, Python, COMPAS Library