Form Finding Geometry Workshop

Parametric design to digital fabrication


Year : 2018
Place : Taiwan

Lecturer : Wei-Ting Chen, Yu Chen, Ping-Hsun Tsai
Teaching Assistant : Ming-Yang Wang, Po-Yen Chen
Participants : TKU bachlor, master, Phd students and alumni


Nowadays, we use several different 3D modeling software in architectural design process. At our five-day workshop, we mainly focus on establishing a digital design workflow and integrating different software. The workshop consists of four parts: 1.basic geometry construction; 2.form-finding through physical simulation; 3.utilizing oscillating tangential cutting machine to produce physical model; 4. data visualization and rendering. The workshop anticipated to stimulate new model for digital design.

Design process

The design process includes four step: construct primitive points, mesh structure, physical stimulate engine to generate the geometry/ form finding process, and generate the pattern based on reaction diffusion algorithms.



participants works


Media Features
//Digital AIEOU
Software and Fabrication machine:

// Rhino3D & Grasshopper, Maya, AfterEffect, Oscillating Tangential Cuttung, Laser Cutting