Robotic 3D printing facade

15.12.2020, Zurich

Tech Stack: python/c/robotics


This project is inspired by the natural effect of the game between light and water. Specifically it is focused on the ripples that the water surface creates and their reflection and refraction to the surrounding space, with 3D printing skill to implement translucent facade units.


Computaional Design

In order to create a biomimetic effect we used organically growing branches that deform our double skin surface in two opposite directions. The intersection of the two surfaces creates gaps in between that serve as traps that capture light, and then distribute it with different caustics effects to the space. And it deformed the main geometry by adding curvature on the base coming from sin curves that their periodic iteration diminishes towards the top, giving us a more flat finishing.


Robotic Fabricaiton

The methodology for the generation of branches was to use a particle system,swarm to create the curves. After that we separate them in two systems of curves where each system combines three behaviors: Separation, meaning that points would move towards different directions, cohesion, meaning that points would move towards each other, and align. We selected the type A where the curves start quite densed and growing up distribute away from each other and intersect. In order to optimize the fabrication process we used a continuous printing path to achieve better quality and successful intersections.




